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Presidential Issues: Military Preparedness & Budget

Military Preparedness & Budget

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5 questions every presidential candidate should answer: US military edition

July 29, 2015

By Mackenzie Eaglen

The US armed forces stand at a critical crossroads. The military is as busy as ever, and it must simultaneously meet expanded current needs while preparing for an uncertain future. The next president will make choices about the US military that will define American hard power for much of the 21st century.

1.) The Obama administration has realized that the military cannot be asked to “do more with less” forever. As reality sets in, America’s armed forces will simply do “less with less.” In light of this, what missions should the Pentagon prioritize?

The American military is adrift in a stew of unclear strategic guidance and contradictory policies, and is receiving mixed messages about its overarching objectives. All this even as the military struggles to triage a smaller force with older equipment carrying out a hectic pace of operations. The next president therefore must not only rebuild the force, but also offer clarity of purpose pursuant to the restoration of American internationalism and leadership...

Read the full article at the American Enterprise Institute: 5 questions every presidential candidate should answer: US military edition

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