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November 23, 2015

By Ron Fournier

In his mem­oir, Le­on Pan­etta ar­gued that for all of Barack Obama’s strengths, he is miss­ing an es­sen­tial in­gredi­ent of lead­er­ship. He lacks “fire,” wrote Obama’s former CIA dir­ect­or and Pentagon chief. “The pres­id­ent re­lies on the lo­gic of a law pro­fess­or rather than the pas­sion of a lead­er.”

Obama has proved Pan­etta right again and again dur­ing his pres­id­ency, but nev­er more dan­ger­ously so than with his shoulder-shrug ap­proach to IS­IS. Obama called it a “J.V. team” be­fore it star­ted be­head­ing Amer­ic­ans. He said it was “con­tained” be­fore it at­tacked Par­is. Now he’s call­ing it “a bunch of killers with good so­cial me­dia.”

That’s how you de­scribe a street gang—a bunch of killers with good so­cial me­dia. The Is­lam­ic State is no street gang.

Ob­ject­ive ob­serv­ers from across the polit­ic­al spec­trum took ex­cep­tion to Obama’s tone. This from Frank Bruni, a lib­er­al-minded New York Times colum­nist:

He was at his worst just after the Par­is at­tacks, when he com­mu­nic­ated as much ir­rit­a­tion with the second-guess­ing of his stew­ard­ship as he did out­rage over Par­is and de­term­in­a­tion to des­troy the Is­lam­ic State, or IS­IS.

He owed us something dif­fer­ent, something more. He’d just said, the day be­fore Par­is, that IS­IS was con­tained and that it was weak­en­ing, so there was an onus on him to make abund­antly clear that he grasped the mag­nitude of the threat and was in­tensely fo­cused on it.

From Obama we needed fire. In­stead we got em­bers, along with the un-pres­id­en­tial por­tray­al of Re­pub­lic­ans as sniv­el­ing wimps whose fears about refugees were akin to their com­plaints about tough de­bate ques­tions.

There it is again—“from Obama we needed fire.”

Read the full article at National Journal: Leaderless

Issue Categories : Leadership,